Washing with buffered vitamin C after corrosive chemical (sodium hypochlorite) exposure reduces ocular depth of injury. Authors: Stewart Lebrun, Linda Nguyen, Joana Romero, Roxanne Chan.
Read MoreEvaluation of a New In Chemico Skin Corrosion Test, Toxicology In Vitro, Authors: Stewart Lebrun, Linda Nguyen, Kelly Vy Ho
Read MoreNew invention reduces the FP rate of the IVD, OS, RhCE, STE, BCOP, ICE and other nonanimal eye irritation tests
Read MoreWe also announce that In Chemico LLCTM is a newly acquired wholly owned subsidiary of Lebrun Labs LLC and Lebrun Labs has been issued the trademarks: In ChemicoTM, In Chemico LLCTM, OptiSafe Eye Irritation TestTM, OptiSafe EITTM .
Read MoreThe OptiSafe Eye Irritation TestTM is a shelf-stable, in chemico test method that consists of a macromolecular test matrix used to quantify the potential of an unknown test material to cause eye irritation or eye damage.
Read MoreThis project will develop a new kind of nonanimal, high-throughput, field test to identify dermal corrosives that will improve the capabilities of manufacturers, first responders, and regulators to warn the public about chemicals and products that could potentially damage the skin.
Read MoreThe paper entitled "Further optimisation of a macromolecular ocular irritation test (OptiSafe TM) has ben awarded OTSS Annual SOT paper of the year. This paper describes research on the OptiSafe test that resulted in cutting the FP rate in half,
Read MoreGRANT TITLE: Antioxidant Eye Wash Formulations to Counter Ocular Chemical Threats
Read MorePhase II SBIR Grant Title: IVD EIT a Nonanimal Kit and Service for the Detection of Ocular Irritants
Read MoreFurther Optimisation of a macromolecular ocular iritation test (OptiSafeTM), Authors: Stewart Lebrun, Sara Chavez, Linda Nguyen, Roxanne Chan
Read MoreExpansion of the application domain of a macromolecular ocular irritation test (OptiSafe™), Authors: Stewart Lebrun, Sara Chavez, Linda Nguyen, Roxanne Chan
Read MoreAscorbic acid specifically reduces the misclassification of nonirritating reactive chemicals in the OptiSafe™ macromolecular eye irritation test, Authors: Stewart Lebrun, Sara Chavez, Roxanne Chan, Linda Nguyen, James Jester
Read MoreModeling the antioxidant properties of the eye reduces the false-positive rate of a nonanimal eye irritation test (OptiSafe EIT), Authors: Stewart Lebrun, Sara Chavez, Roxanne Chan, Linda Nguyen, James Jester
Read MoreSame-chemical comparison of nonanimal eye irritation test methods: Bovine corneal opacity and permeability, EpiOcular™, isolated chicken eye, ocular Irritection®, OptiSafe EIT™, and short time exposure, Authors: Stewart Lebrun, Linda Nguyen, Sara Chavez, Roxanne Chan, Debby Le, Minh Nguyen, Jam
Read MoreValidation of the OptiSafe eye irritation test, Authors: Neepa Choksi, Stewart Lebrun, Minh Nguyen, Amber Daniel, George DeGeorge, Jamin Willoughby, Adrienne Layton, Donnie Lowther, Jill Merrill, Joanna Matheson, João Barroso, Krystle Yozzo, Warren Casey, David Allen
Read MoreAn in vitro depth of injury prediction model for a histopathologic classification of EPA and GHS eye irritants, Authors: Stewart Lebrun, Yilu Xie, Sara Chavez, Roxanne Chan, James Jester
Read MoreOptiSafeTM is a novel, shelf stable, test tube-based assay that can discriminate ocular irritants/corrosives from nonirritants and does not use animal tissues or cells. It can determine whether an unknown substance is an ocular nonirritant by measuring and comparing chemical models for three vari
Read MoreThe EPA eye irritation classification system is routinely used to categorize ocular toxicity. The EPA system classifies chemicals that damage the eye after 24 hours (Category III, II, or I) and those that do not cause damage (Category IV). This latter EPA classification is aligned with the standar
Read MoreNational Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) Small Business Innovative Research Grant. Research reported in this publication was supported by the NIEHS of the National Institutes of Health under Award Number R44ES025501. The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does
Read MoreBiochemistry based ocular toxicity assay; United States Patent US10041922
Read MorePerformance of the OptiSafe Ocular Irritation Assay in a Three-Laboratory Validation Study.
OptiSafe is an in vitro test method that assesses a test substance’s potential to cause eye irritation by measuring damage caused when the substance is applied to a semi-permeable membrane. The membrane
National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) Small Business Innovative Research Grant. Research was supported by the NIEHS of the National Institutes of Health under Award Number R43ES025501. The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent th
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