
Eye Irritant Test

The OptiSafe Eye Irritation Test™ (OS EIT) macromolecular test matrix is composed of plant-derived proteins, lipids, and nucleotides; this test does not include any animal ingredient or component. The method measures the extent of damage of the macromolecular matrix upon exposure to a test chemical, and the measured extent of macromolecular damage is used to predict the toxicity of the tested chemical to the eye. 
Validated with international regulatory acceptance (OECD Test Guideline 496)
* True nonanimal eye irritation test (no animal component of any kind)
Rapid Turnaround Time. Test kit provides quantitative results in less than 24 hours.
* Highest sensitivity of any nonanimal tests (100% sensitivity). No false negatives identified for the non-irritant versus the rest discrimination. Importantly, this means that irritating chemicals and products will be correctly identified, allowing for appropriate labeling or reformulation.
* Very High specificity. The patented OptiSafe EIT formulation includes specific tear chemistry that reduces the false positive rate to the lowest of any nonanimal test
* Highest accuracy of any nonanimal eye irritation tests. The combination of high sensitivity and high specificity results in the highest accuracy of any nonanimal test. When used to identify chemicals that do not require classification for eye irritation and serious eye damage, the OS test method has an accuracy greater than 90%.

OptiSafe was developed by Lebrun Labs LLC with funding from a National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) Small Business Innovative Research Grant: “Non-Animal Test Method to Determine the Ocular Safety of Consumer Products and Chemicals: Phase II.” This research was supported by the NIEHS of the National Institutes of Health under Award Number R44ES025501. The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of the National Institutes of Health.

For additional information contact: sales@lebrunlabs.com