Nonanimal test method for the identification of dermal corrosives

Procedure involves allowing the material to be tested to interact with a skin biomarker for corrosivity

The corrosivity of the test substance is predicted based on the measured macromolecular damage

Useful for GHS classification and packing group assignment

Nonanimal approach to skin corrosion testing.  Test services are available. Contact us for more information.

In chemico tests are cell free, shelf stable, rapid, high throughput and accurate. The DermaSafe Skin Corrosion TestTM  is the second in chemico test developed by Lebrun Labs (the first was the OptiSafeTM eye irriation test).

The patent pending (International Patent Number WO2024177860A1) in chemico  test technology is being applied to other target tissues and application domains - and we welcome collaborations or licensing requests by interested parties. 

The DermaSafe test was developed under a NIH small business fast track grant award.
Award Info: National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) Small Business Innovative Research Grant. Research was supported by the NIEHS of the National Institutes of Health under Award Number R44ES031881. The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of the National Institutes of Health.

Protocol overview
DermaSafeTM  is an in chemico test to classify dermal corrosives. The test evaluates skin corrosivity by incubating the material to be tested with specific epithelial macromolecules extracted from food source bovine tissue (Lebrun and Nguyen, 2024). After incubation with the macromolecules at room temperature for 4 h and the addition of a detection reagent, a chemical is predicted to be a noncorrosive when the spectrophotometric optical density (OD) is stable, and the chemical is predicted to be a skin corrosive when the epithelial macromolecules are damaged, resulting in a reduced OD. The resulting OD vaues are used for either a global corrosivity calssification or a GHS classification. Results can also be used for packing group assignment. 
Application domain and accuracy
The DermaSafe test can be used for the global clasification of corrosives. The test can also be used for GHS classification of "Not Corrosive to the skin" (Not GHS Category 1), Category 1B and 1C (combined), or Catgeory 1A.  It can also be used for packing group assignment (with packing groups II and III combined). See our recent publication for details: Evaluation of a New In Chemico Skin Corrosion Test, Toxicology In Vitro,  Authors: Stewart Lebrun, Linda Nguyen, Kelly Vy Ho
How to submit a sample for testing and pricing

Contact us for sample submission procedures and pricing