Lebrun Labs receives 4 new trademarks, will start selling test kits through In ChemicoTM

We also announce that In ChemicoTM is a newly acquired wholly owned subsidiary of Lebrun Labs LLC and Lebrun Labs has been issued the trademarks: In ChemicoTM,  In Chemico LLCTM,  OptiSafe Eye Irritation TestTM and OptiSafe EITTM.  In Chemico will manage sales of OptiSafeTM test kits, DermaSafe SCTTM test kits and IVD EITTM test kits  and Lebrun Labs will focus exclusively on services including: Skin Corrosion with the DermaSafe SCTTM assay, the In Vitro Depth of InjuryTM Eye Irritation Test (IVD EITTM) and customized contract research services. OptiSafe EITTM testing services are available through ALS Global.

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