Test Services

Ocular toxicity Evaluation Using the IVD EITTM

Test Services

Dermal Corrosivity Testing Using the DermaSafe SCTTM

Toxicology testing and contract research services

Our focus is on test method development and application. Tests we have developed include the DermaSafe Skin Corrosion TestTM, the In Vitro Depth of InjuryTM Eye Irritation Test and the OptiSafe Eye Irritation TestTM. Test kits are available through our affiliate InChemico.com.

Test Services

The OptiSafe Eye Irritation Test<sup>TM</sup> (OptiSafe EIT<sup>TM</sup>)

The OptiSafe Eye Irritation TestTM (OptiSafe EITTM)

Eye irritation test for regulatory use (OECD 496). The OptiSafe EITTM method determines irritancy classification based on specific in chemico assays. Testing services are available through our partner lab: ALS Global. Kits are available through our partner website: http://inchemico.com.
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The In Vitro Depth of Injury<sup>TM</sup> Eye Irritation Test (IVD EIT<sup>TM</sup>)

The In Vitro Depth of InjuryTM Eye Irritation Test (IVD EITTM)

The IVD EITTM method is used for ocular toxin classification and for evaluating the mechanisms of ocular toxicity. The IVD EITTM detects the full range of ocular irritants, including reversible damage. We provide both standard and customized IVD EIT testing services.
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The DermaSafe Skin Corrosion Test<sup>TM</sup> (DermaSafe SCT<sup>TM</sup>)

The DermaSafe Skin Corrosion TestTM (DermaSafe SCTTM)

The DermaSafe SCTTM is a nonanimal test that can be used to classify the dermal corrosivity of consumer products and industrial chemicals. Results are often used to support safety labeling and product documentation. The test evaluates the extent of material-induced damage to specific epithelial macromolecules. Results are then used to provide a global corrosivity classification, a Globally Harmonized System multicategory corrosivity classification, and packing group assignment.
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